EMA Intracel Facial

Otherwise known as the Lunchtime Facelift.

Intracel Facial Treatment is a state of the art, non-surgical treatment for tightening and firming skin and reducing the appearance of wrinkles without the down time associated with laser resurfacing or surgical facelift.

It combines radio frequency technology (Amanda Holden’s favourite regular treatment), microneedling, chemical peel and opera LED therapy, all in one simple procedure. The body’s natural healing process produces a new, healthy and tighter skin structure in the treated area and the surrounding skin. A treatment for truly youthful flawless skin.

Course of 4 -6 recommended for optimal results. 3-4 weeks apart. Little downtime experienced with this treatment.

Results last up to 18 months

Before and After Intracel treatment

©2025 EMA Skin Aesthetics Preston  |  Toni&Guy, 86 Fishergate, Preston PR1 2NJ   |   Call: 01772 821 600  |    Email: info@emaskinaesthetics.co.uk

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